A Life In Screenshots II

Well, I’ve taken more good screenshots…have a look…

When you’re setting up a meeting with a friend



When people wanna hate on you, but you’re still getting paid



When you can’t understand what someone’s saying but don’t want to ask them to say it again


When somebody has repeatedly warned you not to do something but you do it anyway


When somebody gets an attitude with you and you have to figure out exactly who TH they think they’re talking to


When you get motivated after a long time of being lazy


When somebody can never just admit when they’re wrong even though it’s obvious


When you just got paid and you know exactly what you wanna get



When you find an excuse to get away from that person who doesn’t know when to stop talking


When somebody’s being overly dramatic and you know it


When something is interesting



Basically life TBH



Until next time! Hey, these would make great reaction images, eh?

You want proof that this game is unholy? I beat Miltank in one go. She didn’t even knock out my first Pokémon! That’s just not natural.

A Life In Screenshots

Guten Tag (or Guten Nacht, depending on where you are). As I said before, I’ve been reading a lot of Tumblr dumps. Also, I’ve been reading a lot of meme dumps in general. Well, it just so happens that I had some pictures saved that I forgot about…well, see for yourself.

                        When someone hurts your feelings but you pretend like it’s all good


                                                When even the clock mocks your strength

imageWhen you politely told someone that you’re not interested in conversation, but they don’t get the message


                                            When someone looks at you for a little too long


                                         When your grandmother gives you top-notch advice


                       When you see someone pouring the milk before the cereal


                                                                    When you’re in the library

image                                  When your mom has finally had enough of your crap

image                                             When you’re a Pokémon but someone assumes your gender

image                                                        When somebody asks me to get up for any reason


imageWhen you’re trying to study and have to make drastic threats to get people to leave you alone


imageWhen your friend is about to do something bad and you’re trying to convince them not to



                                                 Bonus: How is Jugglepaff formed?


Well, that’s all for now. If I end up taking any more good screenshots, which I undoubtedly will, I’ll post them. Hope you enjoyed!

This Is Literally Me Every Time…

​                                                                                    Hands. How do they work?

I know I haven’t posted in a while…sorry about that. 😦 It’s kinda hard to do all the posts I have ideas for right now, but I’ll figure something out. But I wanna thank you guys so much for sticking with me. 😀

Lot of crazy stuff going on lately, eh? Donald Trump won the election…Vine shut down (I’m still in tears)…the Nintendo Switch…but what’s coolest to me is the Spider-Man: Homecoming trailers. Haven’t seen them yet, but I’m a huge Spider-Man fan (to get an idea why, check out the post “My Gaming History”), so that’s exciting. I’d honestly forgotten all about that movie! But I still wanna know about that nameless Spider-Man game they announced at one of these recent E3s. What do you guys think that will be like?

To give you lot a bit of an update on what’s going on with me, I’ve been making music. Lots of it. But I still need some equipment, so I’m working on getting that. Also, this is something I meant to tell you guys when it first happened, but that’s not possible…anyway, you know that feel when you have a cool new game to play? Well, at a con I went to a few months back, I was lucky enough to randomly come across a bloke who sold me all four discs of Final Fantasy VIII for the ridiculously fair price of sixteen dollars. In English! So, I’ve really wanted to play that, but I’ve promised myself to finish Final Fantasy VII first. That’s going great…I’m not even halfway through the first disc. Oh, and I started playing about March/April of this year, I believe…so based on current indications, this could take a while. I haven’t even really “had time” to game lately. I say that in quotes because I have the time, but it has minimal relevance in comparison to some other things that I need to do. But if I had a dollar for each Final Fantasy disc I’ve ever finished…I’d still be broke.

My Memory Card for GameCube is shot…so I have to unlock EVERYTHING in Melee all over again (#&@*ing Mewtwo!!) as well as both Ty games…to quote Ms. Sweet Brown, “Ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat!” But at least I bought a new one a while ago.

Oh! Almost forgot. On November 19th, I went to the Pokémon Symphonic Evolutions concert. It. Was. Incredible. There was a big orchestra playing selected music (“playing” doesn’t do justice) while the screen displayed scenes from the games. Now, to be honest, I didn’t really recognize anything past Gen. 2, but it was awesome nonetheless. There were even some songs that were in different time signatures, which is great because I’m creating an album where all the beats are in different time signatures. Jeez, it was epic. You ever been in a crowd listening to an orchestra version of the anime theme? If not, you’ve never lived. I even got some trading in! But what might be the most fun part was the meme that my seat neighbour and I created. If the “Who’s That Pokémon” screen said “Sceptile”, we would say “Onix”. If it said “Squirtle”, we’d say “Rhydon”, etc. Dude In The Orange Hoodie, if you’re reading this, thanks! And the costumes…everyone was dressed to the Arcanines. The three people that took the cake were the person in the horribly misshapen and misguided Umbreon costume, the rather terrifyingly inaccurate Ninetales costume, and my personal favourite, a fellow that we dubbed “Nurse Jay”. *wishes for brain bleach at the mere memory*

So yes. As you can see, it’s been an eventful life.

I’ve reading a lot of Tumblr dumps lately. I had previously judged Tumblr as a den of SJWs, hipsters, crybabies, and other people of ill repute. And it seems that I was right. But heck if the posts aren’t funny. Speaking of which, there was a really good post on language/idioms that someone made on there…I wanted to write a post about it, but I haven’t been able to find it again. As soon as I do, I’ll write the post. 

All right! That’s about it. I honestly didn’t mean for this to turn into the giant wall of text that it became…I guess I was holding a lot of stuff on my mind. Anyway…

What do you lot think about the Homecoming trailer? What about the  Nintendo Switch, Sun and Moon, and other such gaming developments? *drops to knees, a single tear falling* Let me know…down below.

P.S. Can any of you lot recommend a good speed metal band? After binge-listening to Testament’s “Absence Of Light”, I really want to see if anyone can match that.